If youre looking to slim down your wallet by keeping your infrequently used or unnecessary cards in an app, keep looking, this is sure to come up short.
First, registering the app requires you to input a US zip code (if you arent selecting outside of US), but it returns an error that your zip code is not a valid US zip code.
Most of the cards I want to keep in this app are merchant cards, not Visa, MC, etc, but that is not a selectable option, you have to pick one of the major card types.
I bought the feature pack thinking that would allow more functionality, but I thought wrong.
The app that better fit my needs was Vallet and it is completely free unless you want to add more than 2 custom categories (in addition to their 4 defaults).
Bajafever about ВКармане: кошелек, документы, v2.12